Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Introducing the blog

I ought to start this blog by introducing myself. My name is Katie, and I have always had an interest in the natural world. As a child, my dad always took my younger brother and I to places where we could experience all aspects of the environment up close and introduced us to all sorts of species of mammals, birds, sea life, insects and plants. We even went on holidays to other countries that largely revolved around an appreciation for planet earth and all it encompasses. We still do this, and just last year I embarked on a four week expedition to Tanzania which included safari and scuba diving. 

I will never forget riding a high powered speed boat next to Dolphins in Cornwall, the first time I saw the flash of bright blue that was a Kingfisher at my local nature reserve, my close encounter of the 'Big 5' on safari in Tanzania, or seeing Turtles in Dalyan, Turkey. This is to name but a few of the incredible, natural experiences I have had in my lifetime. And I am forever grateful to have been able to experience these things.

As an extra curricular course at University, I decided to study a Level 1 qualification in sustainability. The course looks at all aspects of sustainable living, however my key interest was about biodiversity and the natural world. Yet, while I knew biodiversity loss was a problem, I truly had my eyes opened in one particular class. I had no idea how fast the natural world was diminishing. At the end of the lecture, the entire class was asked one simple question. And it was this question that provoked me to start this blog:

Why has the societal response to biodiversity loss been so poor? 

Fair point? Why are we all so blind as to what is going on worldwide concerning the natural world? I am just as guilty of this - yes I appreciate and love the natural world, but I had no idea it was disappearing so fast. 

My answer to this question was that there just isn't enough awareness out there to inform us about the diminishing natural world. I spoke about my interests in the natural world, but highlighted the fact that I just didn't know it was in such immediate danger. The fact was, nobody had a clue. And that is worrying. 

Personally, I feel that an appreciation for the natural world is one thing. But an awareness of it is another. I care massively about the natural world and wouldn't want to see it diminish - but I just don't think there is enough information out there to inform people about why they should care. Ok, so we are told things are happening - forests are being destroyed and animals are being made homeless - but what do we have to do with it? There is no link between our own lives and the natural world. And there lie the problem. Seeing the natural world as separate, with no direct or immediate link to our own lives, is desperately concerning. It means that people just don't care or see any biodiversity issues as a direct problem. 

So, this is why I want to start this blog. I want to learn a bit myself and become more informed, but I also aim to make other people aware that what is happening should concern them. The natural world isn't this separate entity that is just for nature lovers and the like. It is synonymous with our everyday lives and should be given consideration by all of us. 

But, I don't want to fall into the trap of making such ideas inaccessible either. I want to use this blog to address little things, from my own experiences and from things I learn as I go, that highlight why we should care about the world around us. I honestly think that if enough people start to care, change can happen. It's small steps, such as changing someones attitude, that will eventually lead to a better world. 

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